67 brake wiring

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Re: 67 brake wiring

Post by ezernut9mm »

i just really hate electricity. i can't see it so i don't understand it. as far as i can tell i have all the wiring hooked up properly, but the performance of the system tells me other wise.
come on down saturday craig. greg d from omaha will be here to hang out too.
wanting to buy a mercury tailgate!
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Re: 67 brake wiring

Post by mk »

In regards to your front parklight lenses being melted, check your front harnesses for hacking/splicing. The 1157 bulbs used in frt and rear lights have two different sized filaments. The smaller one (should be fed by brown wire) is used for the park light function. The heavier filament is activated for brake and turn signal use as it glows brighter. Maybe someone hooked up the wires backwards and the front parklights were using the signal filaments creating lots of heat or maybe there was a short in the signal system causing them to stay on.

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