Took the 67 out for a spin with my wife..coming back ..pulling into the garage, the head lites started blinkin on and off again..
just put a new headlite switch what else could it be?
91Bear wrote:You've got a short in your wiring - is my guess.
The headlights are protected by a circuit breaker in the headlight switch that will reset itself once it cools off.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.--Plato
Why is it that there's seldom time to fix it right the first time, but there's always time to fix it right the second time???
That's not an oil leakThat's SWEATfrom all thatHORSEPOWER!!
the headlight relay kit removes the headlight switch from being loaded down with all the power needed to run the headlights basically. it sends a full 12 votls to the headlights i think. instead of the amount the headlight switch lets go to them.
i dont thin kpaul is making them anymore. the only plac ei knwo fo rsure that has them is lmc truck. if you know how you can make your own. you can ask the parts store. i have no idea if they have them or not.