Will the stock alt support this?

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Will the stock alt support this?

Post by Fo-Mo-Co »

I have this monster 4 row radiator. I cant find a shroud so it heats in slow traffic. I have a 160 tstat and going down the road itsits at 160 . So I knowit's the lack of a shroud. So I want to buy this. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DUAL-10- ... 35b0d187e4 Can the stock charging system support this?
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Re: Will the stock alt support this?

Post by Dirty Offio »

It shouldn't have a problem with it, it is a 10 amp continuous draw when it is running, peaks at 25 amps. If you ahve a gi-normous stereo you might run into problems, but otherwise the fans shouldn't be a problem.

On another note, if you have never used them, Derale is good stuff! I have used their controllers before, but never their fans. But their controllers are good stuff!


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