Hey Terry,
From your PM you said that you have a Tank Selector Switch and 2 tanks, which is some good info for us as the switches do go bad.

here is some more things to try to isolate your fuel gauge problem and a couple things to check for the Alt gauge.
Glad your oil and temp are working,
From your test for the fuel:
The gauge worked in the instrument panel by grounding the sense connector on the gauge and it pegged over to full. = the instrument gauge is good
Grounding the Orange wire at the fuel sensor (sending unit) did nothing, but you said you have a full gauge switch = 2 tank setup on your truck. I would look at your switch (they do go bad) if you look at the wires going into the switch it should have 3 orange wires going into it, take some tape and mark them 1,2, and 3 for a reference and location on the switch. Then unplug them and try grounding each one with the key on to see if one of them makes the gauge move (it should be the wire in the center of the switch)... If one of these wires makes the gauge move then your problem is probably the switch, but you can take and use a piece of wire to jumper this wire over to one of the other wires and then see if the gauge works... You might also have to ground the wire at the sensor to confirm that the wire is good, just in case the sending unit happens to be bad too... This will tell if the wire is broken somewhere, either between the switch and sending unit or problem is from switch to gauge (if you don't get any wire to make the gauge move), or if it is just the switch is bad.
On the Alt gauge;
They usually will only move a little over a needles width in either direction... in the + direction if you have a good charged battery with the engine running and the headlights on and with the engine off and the head lights on it will move in the - direction about the same. They are really not very good as they don't move very far... If it doesn't move at all then there are 2 inline fuses, one by the starter relay and one closer to the alternator that one is on a Red wire and the other is on a Yellow wire check to see if those fuses are good and making good contact in the holders.
Let us know what you find out on the fuel switch.