390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by DuckRyder »

I think we scared him off... :hmm:
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by 1972hiboy »

Go #50!
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by sport71 »

I jumped the gun, and from :30-:35 no traction. Am I a redneck? :nono:

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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by robroy »

Good morning Jamie, M. Ken, Bobby, 70_F100, ManCar1, Robert, 1972HiBoy, and Ruben, thank you all for your marvelous replies!
Ranchero50 wrote:You might be a redneck if:

You drive your truck without a hood.
You drive around with your left turn signal on all the time.
You keep you tranny tunnel cover off so you can spit your 'bacco juice out easier.
Your exhaust is held on with coat hangers.

It's getting there :)
Thanks for this list!!! My only lacking credential's the perpetual turn signal! I'll work on it and keep you updated. Another worthy addition might be three or four wet, shaggy dogs in the bed, barking non-stop!
mkpj1 wrote:This thread is great. Finally finished.
Thanks! Yes it's certainly finished in the sense that I'm able to terrorize the neighborhood with it now, although there's definitely more to come. I'll keep this thread updated with everything specific to the engine (or other related work done by Tom at FE Specialties).
mkpj1 wrote:No hood! Shoot, I didn't have my windshield when I first drove mine. :lol: . The looks were priceless!
I can relate!!! Even though #50 looks relatively civilized these days, it does seem like lots of people stare it down on the road. Maybe they're just wondering what I'm so happy about though.
mkpj1 wrote:Everybody looks now and people are always coming up wanting to check everything out. Better get ready! :thup:
That's classic! I've had a few flashy-looking old cars in the past that attracted lots of attention in gas stations, yet #50's unrestored exterior will probably cloak it pretty well. Only its sound will give it away!
mkpj1 wrote:Thanks for all the posts. :wink:
You're most welcome--thanks for being interested!!!
BobbyFord wrote:Awesome replies to Robroy's video :lol: :pop:
Indeed!!! :)
70_F100 wrote:Sitting in the hotel room again watching "The Continuing Saga of #50" :D and it's AWESOME!!! It's come a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG way since the "PU" debaucle!!! :thup:

About the only thing I can say is, "SAWWWWEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!" :hd:
Thanks 70_F100!!! Indeed, I've learned a lot since the beginning, thanks to you and my other top mentors!!!
70_F100 wrote:That video proved to me that a T19, top loader or C6 would make that monster come alive!!!! :woohoo:

Sorry, Robroy, but that T18 may as well be a "three-on-the-tree" :doh: :doh: and it just doesn't do that engine justice!!!! :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:
I know what you mean, and I'm inclined to agree! Since I do plan on replacing my 1986 Chevy C20 with a Bumpside crew-cab or F350 DRW one day, I can plan on saving this premium-condition T18 for that.
Mancar1 wrote:Also have used an old bumpseat on cinderblocks for a couch. :thup:
Now that's some high-fashion interior decorating!
DuckRyder wrote:Nice video, robroy go ahead and fess up you did the donut visible in the intersection at about 45 seconds already right? :P
Thanks Robert!!! Since I haven't found donut-doing in the ideal engine break-in check-list I've been keeping it under control so far, but I can guarantee some entertaining video posts after the first 1,000 miles!
mkpj1 wrote:
DuckRyder wrote::nono: I hope you gentlemen are not suggesting that there is some sort of problem with being a redneck? :o

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doubt that would be the case on this board! :lol: :lol:

Shoot I started a motor on a tire with a C6 attached no less. Pumping tranny fluid onto the ground. More like who is the BIGGEST redneck here!! Rob running up and down his driveway 50 ft,..no hood,..but a expensive camera taped to dash. Bobby in a white T-shirt,...INSIDE the engine bay running in an engine in,...not a single stain and the engine is perfect! :lol: :lol: Keep it coming!
Well said!!! And I noticed that about Bobby's video too--absolutely classic!!!
mkpj1 wrote:Speaking of donuts Rob,..heres a challenge,...we need a donut/drift in that bump around some hot girls!! Preferably with no hood. That would definitely win biggest redneck on Fordification!
Wow what a GREAT idea!!!
BobbyFord wrote:Now THAT would make for an awesome video!! How 'bout it, Robroy?
You got it Bobby!!! The next time I'm out driving and see a cluster of women, I'll steer in their direction and jam the gas! If I warned them it would completely ruin the spontaneity!
DuckRyder wrote:That doesn't sound like a good idea (or very safe) from a number of angles...
True, yet do risk and reward not go hand-in-hand?
DuckRyder wrote:I think we scared him off... :hmm:
Nope, not yet! I've been wearing this for ~13 hours a day (including the commute), hanging out in this building! It's a high-integrity business that I'm happy to show up to every morning.
1972hiboy wrote:Go #50!
Thanks 1972HiBoy!!!
sport71 wrote:I jumped the gun, and from :30-:35 no traction. Am I a redneck? :nono:
Most excellent video Ruben!!! It's great to see how well your project has turned out--both of our projects are great examples of being resilient and persisting until the goal's won, no matter what happens along the way. Fantastic work!!!

This Morning's Updates:
  1. Guess who's going to do #50's exhaust? Tom Lucas himself! More on this as the plan unfolds.
  2. My long-time friend Dan's coming over tomorrow to help me get the hood on!
Jamie, M. Ken, Bobby, 70_F100, ManCar1, Robert, 1972HiBoy, and Ruben, thanks for your absolutely fantastic replies!

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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by DuckRyder »

True, yet do risk and reward not go hand-in-hand?
I don't know, you tell me since I figured one of the "risk" was Kasie chasing you around with a rolling pin and the "reward" was a couple of cold nights on the couch... :D Thats about how it would go around here any way, except of course it would be Katherine and not Kasie... :P

All kidding aside, can't wait to see the exhaust and the hood on drive!!!

Tell Tom to consider keeping a pattern for the exhaust so he can sell them... :woohoo:
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by 1971ford »

Hey Robroy,
The truck and engine are both looking GREAT!
It's fun to drive my 390/4spd and its almost all stock lol
I'm looking for a place to do exhaust on it since my old exhaust is just rusty and ugly, and have been quoted at $500 (that was for them to simply replicate my current pipes, and use my current good mufflers which are even just clamped on)... would you mind letting me know what Tom's exhaust work quote is?
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by robroy »

Good evening Robert and Ryan, thanks for your excellent replies!
DuckRyder wrote:
True, yet do risk and reward not go hand-in-hand?
I don't know, you tell me since I figured one of the "risk" was Kasie chasing you around with a rolling pin and the "reward" was a couple of cold nights on the couch... :D Thats about how it would go around here any way, except of course it would be Katherine and not Kasie... :P
Indeed!!! :)
DuckRyder wrote:All kidding aside, can't wait to see the exhaust and the hood on drive!!!
I'm looking forward to this as well!
DuckRyder wrote:Tell Tom to consider keeping a pattern for the exhaust so he can sell them... :woohoo:
That's a great idea! I'm not sure whether it would work in this case though, since the plan's to compose the pipes from sections of ready-made, 2.5" mandrel-bent sections. I heard from Tom that because the cost of custom-bent tubing can be quite high, he usually welds sections of exhaust pipe together in this way. Based on the amazingly detailed quality of his work, I'm confident that it will turn out great!
1971ford wrote:The truck and engine are both looking GREAT! It's fun to drive my 390/4spd and its almost all stock lol
Thanks Ryan!!! It is indeed turning out to be a lot of fun to cruise around! As I'm sure you completely understand, one of the main things that makes it so enjoyable is spending so much time and effort in designing and building it, then getting to see how it turns out. The anticipation's fantastic!
1971ford wrote:I'm looking for a place to do exhaust on it since my old exhaust is just rusty and ugly, and have been quoted at $500 (that was for them to simply replicate my current pipes, and use my current good mufflers which are even just clamped on)... would you mind letting me know what Tom's exhaust work quote is?
Enough time has passed now that I honestly don't remember exactly what I heard, but I think it was a few hundred more than that. Of course, considering that Tom's dealing with mandrel-bent pipes it's not an easy comparison to make. I'll be certain to post the exact figures when they're determined, of course! I'll also let you know exactly when the truck's there so you can cruise down the street and check it out for yourself.

Tonight's Updates:

Last Sunday my friend Dan helped me install the hood! It still needs to be adjusted but at least it's on. After that, we drove it down to the gas station, where it had its first fill-up. The feeling of being out in public with it and mingling with other cars (at the gas station no less) was definitely surreal!

Then yesterday (on Thanksgiving), Mani Augustine helped me take #50 on another test-drive! We drove it up San Juan Grade Road, which is a long country road that cuts through miles of beautiful rolling hills. This was certainly the longest drive so far for #50, and it handled it very well.

San Juan Grade has a number of straight stretches where I was able to open the throttle about 1/3 of the way for a few seconds at a time, and the power felt quite brutal! Since I'm under the impression that it's best to avoid pushing engines during break-in, I didn't want to open the throttle any more. Plus, I kept eating up the "runway" too quickly to push it any more! Somehow, those long straight stretches of road seemed a whole lot longer when I'd been up there before in a regular car.

High Quality H.264 (57MB) Medium Quality WMV (40MB)

Robert and Ryan, thanks for your superb replies!
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by basketcase0302 »


So glad to see you got the bugs out of #50 and she's on the road now! :thup: I hate to be the one to break the news to you but...that video is excellent footage for the "Dukes of Hazard" show! :lol: But you've got to take the hood back off! I think it's way past due we have an "ugliest sleeper" contest here on the site. I know you'd blow past my BC # 16, but my truck too needs some body work pretty bad! Maybe the winner get a gift certificate to Lowes or Home Depot for 20 or so cans of spray paint! :lol:
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by Ranchero50 »

Robroy, looks better with a hood on. Do you still have a copy of the PM I sent about doing the mandrel bent exhaust? Maybe you could post it up for Ryan since he works at a welding shop. Ryan, it's not hard to do, takes time and some visualization to make it look nice and figure out the cuts but you should be able to do 3" yourself for around $300 to the bumper...

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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by robroy »

Good day Jeff and Jamie, thanks for your great replies!
basketcase0302 wrote:So glad to see you got the bugs out of #50 and she's on the road now! :thup:
Thanks. Many things are still put together in a temporary fashion but it's on its way!
basketcase0302 wrote:I hate to be the one to break the news to you but...that video is excellent footage for the "Dukes of Hazard" show! :lol: But you've got to take the hood back off!
Perfect! :)
basketcase0302 wrote:I think it's way past due we have an "ugliest sleeper" contest here on the site. I know you'd blow past my BC # 16, but my truck too needs some body work pretty bad! Maybe the winner get a gift certificate to Lowes or Home Depot for 20 or so cans of spray paint! :lol:
Hey, great idea! Each element of character on #50's body is a key ingredient in my advanced theft-deterrent system; I may as well enjoy the benefits of having it in its current state.
Ranchero50 wrote:Robroy, looks better with a hood on.
Thanks! Yeah it did a lot for it. Now to get the hood straight!
Ranchero50 wrote:Do you still have a copy of the PM I sent about doing the mandrel bent exhaust? Maybe you could post it up for Ryan since he works at a welding shop.
That I do, and thank you again for writing such a helpful and detailed PM to me! I'll forward it to Ryan. The setup you welded together for your Ranchero looks absolutely gorgeous!

Jeff and Jamie, thanks very much for your excellent replies!
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by sport71 »

Well robroy, you're gettiner done brother. #50 is coming together nice, and sounds real stout as well. I know that by this time next year you'll be done. Congrats on such a great video. Next one is the burnout, and that my friend I know you'll have no problem doing :wink:
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by FreakysFords »

Almost ready for that cross country tour! :D

Is /number50a/ down or just issues with my android OS?
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Re: 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties.

Post by robroy »

Good afternoon Ruben and Frank, thanks for replying!
sport71 wrote:Well robroy, you're gettiner done brother. #50 is coming together nice, and sounds real stout as well.
Thank you! I look forward to posting a video of its final exhaust sound soon (probably by this coming weekend).
sport71 wrote:I know that by this time next year you'll be done. Congrats on such a great video. Next one is the burnout, and that my friend I know you'll have no problem doing :wink:
I'll probably have made some progress by this time next year, but I'm not sure if I'll ever really be done with it. But at least it ought to be a comfortable driver by then! I'll definitely try a burn-out, just to capture it on video and to experience it, although I think I'll wait until I'm going to replace the rear tires anyways before doing that. Maybe if I attended a drag race (I've never been to one before), I'd see some burn-outs and gain a new appreciation for them though!
FreakysFords wrote:Almost ready for that cross country tour! :D
Yes it's coming along, but it will be a while before I'll trust it with a long trip I think. It's funny how after a truck's basically on the road, it can take forever (at least if I'm the "mechanic") to iron out all the finishing details.
FreakysFords wrote:Is /number50a/ down or just issues with my android OS?
If you're seeing issues only with a few of the images in the Number50a folder, it's probably because I actually lost some data last Winter due to a computer hardware failure. The details of that are in this thread. I actually didn't loose the data, but it's not easily accessible to me. And since I lost access to so few files, I haven't been motivated enough (so far) to go through the steps to recover it! But I ultimately will, and then the links will come back to life.

Ruben and Frank, thank you both for your excellent replies!
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