I have a 67 F-100. My E-Brake light that's located on the lower left hand corner of my dash is not working. I replaced the bulb and tried 3 different sockets and wires that I picked up from a junk yard this weekend. The light DOES turn on as I am installing it, but once installed it doesn't work at all. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Roger M
Princeton, TX
1967 F100 (352)
1974 F250 (460)
that light is the pressure differential switch light. when the light comes on that means you have a imbalanced brake system. and means you need to check your brakes for a failure. that light should only come on when starting the truck. unless the brake fluid has tripped the switch.
Ahh that makes sense! This whole time I was thinking it was a warning light that would alert me if my e-brake was depressed (like on the newer cars). Thanks a lot for your help now at least I know it works.
Roger M
Princeton, TX
1967 F100 (352)
1974 F250 (460)
i go to thinking last night. one or two of the trucks have two lights in that position. one is a emergency brake warning light. the other is the brake failure light. . but almost none of the truck ever got that extra light or it was added on later. i have only een 1 picture of one truck that had it in it. i think it was flatbed ford or tough old ford who has the extra light in the truck.
I got home last night and checked the light. I went to turn the ignition and the light never turned on. But then again, when I turn the key, no lights turn on in my cluster. I wonder what the issue could be....
Roger M
Princeton, TX
1967 F100 (352)
1974 F250 (460)
on a 67 the warning light wire goes to the ignition switch and then loops up and back to the ignition switch in a different location. http://www.fordification.com/tech/wirin ... ghts02.jpg
the dahs lights are controlled by the headlight switch. i would check the fuses and make sure the fuse has power all the way through it. and then check the headlight switch.