Starter gave up the Ghost

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Starter gave up the Ghost

Post by ForingaMex »

When I bought my truck about 12 years ago the starter was kind of worn out and beat up. I freshend it up some with new bushing and bearing and I think brushes. I was always wondering how long it would last...and than yesterday morning I noticed that it was starting slower than usual and throughout the day it got slower and slower till in the evening it wouldn't start. It truned over but not fast enough to start the engine. So today I took it to my friends place to have him replace the starter. I have headers on my truck so it's a pain changing the starter. If it were no so I would change the starter myself at home in the drive way. Updates to follow.
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Re: Starter gave up the Ghost

Post by ForingaMex »

Got a new starter from Napa through my friend for $120 and he installed it for me and now we're driving again. :woohoo: :woohoo: Sounds a lot nicer while starting now than it did before. :thup:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln

-02 Dodge Ram Quad Cab
-72 Ford F100 LWB 390/C6 (Retired for now till I can rebuild/transform it)
-2000 Ford Windstar (Family Vehicle)
-92 VW Beetle (Mexican)
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