Got home and put a new dizzy cap, points and rotor. I know I should have changed the condenser

After putting new parts on, it started a few times but still wouldn't idle and had a miss. I've pulled #1 and checked the timing and that all seemed OK.
Now, it turns over good but won't fire at all. I put the timing light on and had my wife try starting it. No fire to plug. Tried on a couple other wires and still no fire. Checked timing light on wifes car. Works fine.
Then I put the old dizzy cap and rotor back on, still nothing. Pulled the cap and rotor and turned it over to discover the points aren't getting fire.
So I need some advice as to what the problem could be. I plan on changing the condenser tomorrow. Could it be that or the coil or do I need to look elsewhere ? Really have to get it going before I do more damage than the truck is worth.