I recently bought the truck off a guy and it needs lots of work, but hay what the hell.
First order of business I need a wiring diagram, you wouldn't believe it but I went to buy the shop manual and every auto store around has a hard time getting it.. weird huh?
Serious been to autozone, napa, kragens, you name it..!
Anyhow I found a guy on ebay with one, I paid him and he stiffed me now Im going through it with paypal etc. i know..
Well I have been looking and this is what ive come up with: http://www.diyrepairmanuals.com/products.asp?cat=2334
$125!!! I know...
So Im taking my time, and I havent got to tear into this truck because I want to do it by the book..
but waiting is killing me, nice weather outside, and all. The guy messed with the ignition wires and took the coil off, and the distributor looks like he put new points but didn't hook them up, idk the guy was a little out there..
Never the lesss everything looks good besides that, doesn't look like it got overheated, it's clean, and perhaps it was a good deal for $200 it had been sitting and the man's father passed away so hesselling etc. Well Im rambling, can you help me with a link or some advice? thanks and Look forward to to seeing me here I ask lots of questions