Does anybody can tell me if the needle of the alt gauge moves just sligtly to the rigth? because i have neer seen one of these befor and i have just conected so i dont know if its working ok.
Wen i hit the gas the needle moves a litle bit more, but never reaches the far rigth. Also i want to know if the temp gauge measures the engine temp or the water temperature? because i have a 87 mustang engine and when i pull out the sensor the water began to fload everiting, i didn't have idea that there was going to be water. This needle also only moves slightly, just to cover the first stripe of the gauge
Wild Cat (may 2008) R.I.P.
2000 A-Class Brabus Style
1986 KLR250
1971 F-100 still in progress
Welcome from Canada.
The gauges on our trucks are not very accurate, especially the alt gauge but I'm not an expert but someone will come along and give you the info you need. The temp sensor has to be in the coolant to be able to sense the temp and if you take it out you will have coolant spilling out.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln
-02 Dodge Ram Quad Cab
-72 Ford F100 LWB 390/C6 (Retired for now till I can rebuild/transform it)
-2000 Ford Windstar (Family Vehicle)
-92 VW Beetle (Mexican)
yes the alt gauge doesnt usually move much in these trucks. as far as the temp gauge it does measure the water temperture. the water is heated by the engine heat. as far as the mustang it might be the thermostat not working properly or mayeb its missing. does the heater work. if so then its not the thermostat.
well, i'm pretty sure it is not the thermostat, since the radiator is the original and its not working with thermostat. talking about raiators i broke it yesterday when i was triying to take out the front fender. guess i will have to buy a new one; anyway this one was too old and have had many repairs in the past
Wild Cat (may 2008) R.I.P.
2000 A-Class Brabus Style
1986 KLR250
1971 F-100 still in progress
new stuff abut the radiator. There is a guy that repair radiators near to my garage, so i decide to give him a chance. for $60 mx i got it repaired (less than $5 usd). He welded some holes and sctratches and when i asked him if had any old ford radiator for my truck he told me that i dont have a ford, its a Dodge tanks that are quite perfect welded in some strange ford!
anyway the importatnt is taht he asures that the bronze tanks (both lower and upper) are too god to be changed, even more, they have near to 45 years working and keeping cool the engines.
Finaly when he asked for the truck and i told him abut the black "californian bed" he laugth and told me taht he was the very same who made the conversion 10 years ago.
Back in my parents house my dad told me that was true, the radiator have been changed two o three times, but using the same big dodge tanks
Wild Cat (may 2008) R.I.P.
2000 A-Class Brabus Style
1986 KLR250
1971 F-100 still in progress