Ok got my new sending unit for my gas tank !!!!! Put it in and it only goes up to half when it is full. Before the gauge never moved from half way.. Now the gauge moves from empty to half when I fill her up with about 8 gallons of gas. Any ideas ??
Life is like a fan sucks out of one end blows out of the other... Author My Dad Randy 1971 F100 460,C-6,4WD
So the gauge would not go past 1/2 tank tried my cheep ohm meter to test it and like the write up said they are not gonna work and it didn't. With a good digital gauge All the way up it full reeds 12 ohms "This is good" Now let it down on empty it read 150 ohms "This is bad ".. So it is going back and we will try another one!!!
Life is like a fan sucks out of one end blows out of the other... Author My Dad Randy 1971 F100 460,C-6,4WD