Trying to get the signals working on the Beast again, bought (I thought) a new TSS, turned out to be just the rebuild kit. The rest of the plastic is in pretty good shape, not melted or warped, so I can most likelt use the rebuild kit. Questio I have is this. I am supposed to cut and splice 2 wires to put this in. Which 2? The piece that the "rebuild kit" replaces had no wires on it, they are all in the bottom part of the TSS. What gives? also, it appears I have to bend the lil wires down to make the contacts, does anyone have a decent way to measure them or is it kind of by guess and by gosh? I am about to pull my hair out on this one.
I am new to the group, but have been running old fords for 20 years or so. This is for my favorite truck, 1968 F-250, Hi boy (yes i know that is not what Ford calls them) 4x4, 4 door, long box (yes I know Ford did not make them, the frame was stretched before I bought it), bad ass truck! I also spent some time in the Navy as an Aircraft Electrician, so wiring does not usually give me much trouble, but this is driving me insane.
Thanks for any help!
Dirty Offio