Thunderfoot wrote:Where you cut and replaced/added the wire for the coil for the Pertronix at the ignition switch, I would just tie that Red/green wire back into the loop. You already ran a new wire from there most of the way to the coil so it will get the full 12V need and then your wire for the VR (hopefully) will/should be hooked back up, just be sure that the old/original part of the coil wire that is not being used on the engine side is protected on the end so it doesn't ground out somewhere.

Thunderfoot, you (and 70_F100!) are a mad genius!
Wow... so here's how my night went down...
1) Checked the voltage on the battery just sitting there...
it was 12.56, so that's good.
2) Checked the voltage on the battery while the truck was running... it was
12.35, not so good.
3) Checked the ground of the VR by connecting test light to mounting bolt and then other end to battery (+)...
it was good.
4) Tested the continuity on the #904 wire with the key to ON/RUN...
X No power.
5) Jumpered the #35 (which is white on my truck) to the yellow #152 and then checked the #35 on the alernator...
it was good.
6) Started truck with the jumper (vr bypass) in place and the reading was
I think that's good!
7) Removed the jumper and disconnected the battery. Checked the Ohm reading on the #35 wire...
it was 0.000, so that's good.

NOW....Went back to my wiring for the Pertronix. Removed butt connector and twisted the new wire for the coil to the old
green wire (#16) which leads to the pink resistor. With the truck off, the reading was 12.55, which is good. With the truck running, the reading was...
Man, I can't believe that this problem has been around this long and just reared it's ugly little head. This could have been any number of things, and you two really stuck with me to get it figured out. I really can't thank you enough! I really appreciate the help, and this removes a HUGE headache for me that has been really getting in my way for several weeks now. I may have replaced more than necessary (alternator, regulator, solenoid), but in the end it should be better off for it. I'm also thankful I don't have to pull off the alternator again!! But I am going to charge the battery overnight and have it tested for posterity, just in case I killed a cell during all of this.
As for the final fix, like I said for now I just twisted the coil wire and the #16 wire together and fed into one end of the butt connector, and of course the little length of wire going to the ignition was on the other end, with both in electrical tape. I'm assuming this won't cause any issues. The old coil wire has been packed with a little dielectric grease (to prevent corosion) and wrapped in electrical tape, too. Perhaps later when I have more time (and it's not 20° outside) I'll figure out a more permanent solution.
So one more time

... you guys really helped a brother out, and it is much appreciated!!
Now on to that exhaust leak and brakes...