Wiring Mess

Charging, starting, lighting, gauges, HVAC

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Wiring Mess

Post by 68FORDJBM »

The wiring in my truck is a mess: most of the gages don't work, blinkers, horn, etc doesn't work, wires go to nowhere, lot's of loose ends. The main issue is that the charging system isn't working. I can handle changing the Alternator, but I seriously wonder if I shouldn't replace the alternator wiring. Is there an easy, idiot proof way to address wiring problems or do I just have to replace one wire at a time and hope my issues are addressed?
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Re: Wiring Mess

Post by fordman »

i would first have the charging system checked. then if you have broken or misplaced wires check out the wiring diagrams. to see what wires are suppose to go where.
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