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The problem is that the battery wont charge and the alternator that was in it was bad so i replaced it and i figured if you replace the alternator you might as well replace the alternator regulator. That didnt work so i figured it was the starter so i bought a new one the old one I never tested but it was only $40 so i went ahead and bought it. Im thinking that its most likely a wiring issue somewhere but im not sure which wire goes where(a few loose wires behind the instrument gauge) i will try to get some pics on here tomarrow.fordman wrote:so its not charging the battery or the guage isnt working so that i tlooks like its not charging the battery? maybe the wires got crossed when you changed the alt out. or maybe those parts are dead from the parts stroe. did you have your old parts checked before you just started throwing parts at it? maybe there is a bad wire someplace that burnt in two. let us have some more info please.
If you crossed the gauge wire the gauge would just work backwards. They come from the same point on the truck starter solenoid and the gauge has nothing that limits the current direction. The gauge moves one way when the battery discharges and the other when charging. The difference in the actual length makes the wires act like a current shunt to drive the gauge.fordman wrote:ok i see. the losse wire behind the cluster could be it. you have to make sure they go back in the right places. the alt wire to the guaege cant be backwards. that could be a possible problem if they were rehooked up wrong.FoMoCo_67Ranger wrote:at didnt work so i figured it was the starter so i bought a new one the old one I never tested but it was only $40 so i went ahead and bought it. Im thinking that its most likely a wiring issue somewhere b
I like the link idea. There should be one right by the solonid. It's on the main wire from the alternator.My427stang wrote:This is going to sound silly, but how are you testing if its charging?
If you dont have a purpose built tester, use a volt gauge and tell us what its putting out at idle, should be 13.9 to about 14.5
The next step if it doesnt charge is to bypass the regulator. You put a 12V jumper wire to the field wire at the regulator plug (after unplugging it)
Then if it charges, it was the regulator.
If it still doesnt charge, it can only be three things, you forgot to hook the BAT wire to the alt or to the solenoid, the engine isnt properly grounded, or its a second bad alternator
The alternator wiring is very easy.
1 - Heavy wire from BAT terminal to solenoid on the battery cable side, this is where the juice comes out to charge the bat
2 - Field wire (FLD) to regulator, it is an INPUT, meaning when the regulator sends juice TO the alternator, its telling it to charge
3 - Ground - Grounds the alternator
There is a 4th, STA - Stator, and its an OUTPUT, but usually isnt used and doesnt need to be used to charge
So as you can see, if the gound is good, and the BAT is connected, all that is left is to tickle the field, and you can do that manually with a jumper
Last, look for any fusible links, there may be a couple in the harness, they look like little rubber pieces wired in. They can burn out, and in the field or BAT wire, a burned one will cause it not to charge.
what year truck do you have?majlz40 wrote:Sorry for just 'butting' in on this topic- but I see that the 'fourth' wire was mentioned. I have a black and red wire coming from the voltage regulator mounting bolt, it is not connected to anything. I am also having charging issues, can anyone shed any light on what the function of this wire is. The diagram shows it to be #26 but I have a white wire connected there because that was its original location. I have replaced the starter, solenoid, battery, and relocated all grounds directly to the motor after exposing bare metal.