One of the major problems facing me with this truck is that before I found it, some scum-sucking dirtbag slime-weasel thief stole the instrument panel out of it. This was the type with the ammeter and oil gauge in the panel. Looking around, I see lots of standard instument clusters for this type truck, and some of the F600 type. If I can't find the correct panel, What would it take to make one of the standard "Idiot light" panels work, or one of the F600 versions?

I believe I have some vintage SW ammeters and oil pressure gauges out in my workshop, which I could probably mount below the dash....bearing in mind that my auto electrical skills and knowledge are rather minimal, what would it take to make these work with the standard "idiot light" panel if the F600 type is too much work?

This truck also needs transmission work - reverse doesn't work - but is otherwise complete and was running before the dirty little criminal truck-robber stole the instuments out of it, so my immediate plans are to check all the fluids, put some gas and a battery in it, and see if I can get her fired up and running. Can I do with the ignition switch, what with the ammeter gone, or will I have to hot wire it from the solenoid and jump the starter?