fordman wrote:i am sorry . everytime i get on here the past few days some idiot comes in the room adn wont shut the f up. i will keep trying to help but i cant until she shuts up.

Moderators: FORDification, Thunderfoot
fordman wrote:i am sorry . everytime i get on here the past few days some idiot comes in the room adn wont shut the f up. i will keep trying to help but i cant until she shuts up.
Hang in there we'll get it figured outdwebster8783 wrote:when the gauges are hooked up to the plug that gos into the back of the cluster and I turn they key on and remove the wire from oil and temp senders at engine it does not change they both stay pegged.
it looks like the gauge pod is gronded to the cab so I ran a new wire. old one looks fine but at this point I am starting to get pissed.
so you are saying that I need to space my gauges from the mounting case to keep metal to metal contact from happening?
fordman wrote:i am sorry . everytime i get on here the past few days some idiot comes in the room adn wont shut the f up. i will keep trying to help but i cant until she shuts up.
Ok hold on there may be a test at the end.dwebster8783 wrote: one thing I dont under stand is the ipvr is grounded out to the metal case which will ground the gauges to the case. why is this? I dont understand how what I did made it work because of the ipvr having a connection to the case which in turn will give the guages a dirrcet connect to the case.
Does anybody have an answer to this?