1969 F350. All my lights work... but with a few glitches.
Glitch #1: When the brake lights come on, so do the dash lights.
Glitch #2: The left turn signal operates perfectly normally. I can hear the flasher behind the dash clicking. The right turn signal operates, but there are TWO clicking sounds, and the flashing bleeds through to the instrument panel and the cabin top running lights. (The instrument panel lights and the cabin top running lights flash as well as the turn signal lights).
I have replaced all the fuses, I replaced the brake light switch, and I have replaced one flasher behind the instrument panel. No change.
Hearing double clicking sounds when operating the right signal makes me think it may be somehow tied in with a second flasher, but I cannot locate a second flasher - but the wiring diagram says there are supposed to be two.
So... anybody know where the second flasher is located on a 69? The one that I found was behind the dash, slightly to the right of the steering column.
And can anybody recommend a spot to start trouble shooting?
1969 Ford F350 - "Wotan"