Radio/Fuse Panel question...

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Radio/Fuse Panel question...

Post by Wotan »

Hey all - newbie here with what may be a dumb electrical question.

I recently bought a 69 F350 Flatbed that I'm putting back into decent shape, and am having some electrical issues.

I've replaced the battery, alternator, voltage regulator, and starter solenoid. Charging voltage is good, and all electrical features seem to be working, but I've got a short someplace that is draining the battery even when everything is off. I'm working to track that down.

In the mean time, there was an aftermarket radio installed, drawing power from a wire tucked under one of the fuses in the panel.
I don't know if that was part of my problem, but I'm sure that there is a more appropriate way to hook up the radio power supply.

Looking at the fuse panel, I don't see anything marked for accessories... and the fuse panel diagram doesn't show anything for "radio".
But there are two square"ish" holes on the left side that are unmarked, but appear to have spade terminals in them. Nothing seems to go to them, and there is no description for them in the fuse panel diagram. Are they accessory plug ins? Basically, I guess I have two questions.
1) Are those accessory plug ins?
2) Is that the best place to draw power from for the radio, or should I tie it in somewhere else?

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Post by fordman »

i thinnk those spade terminals are hot for accessories yes. the radio had it own original power plug up under the dash it should still be there some place. just plug into that for your power to this radio. you can make a plug to plug into it.
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