igntion switch wires & wiper switch wires

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Blue Oval Guru
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re: igntion switch wires & wiper switch wires

Post by layedout72 »

Honestly the diagrams that come with it ARE NOT very helpful, if at all lol. It's just little drawings really. I will/ am looking at the painless now to see if I can tell much difference. Thanks for the link.
Blue Oval Guru
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re: igntion switch wires & wiper switch wires

Post by layedout72 »

I will post COMPLETE diagrams for this kit tomorrow, or early next week. We are working on it tomorrow, trying to have it driveable/legal for the weekend car show on the coast. As soon as I know exacts, I will be making a COLOR DIAGRAM for those who may possibly want to buy this kit and Keith may want to post it in the tech section.
Blue Oval Guru
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re: igntion switch wires & wiper switch wires

Post by layedout72 »

Okay, sorry, slow on the diagram buy trying to make it perfet before anyone else goes about it.

My problem with the hot coil wire is still around....

It stays hot in the ignition position, or accessory, whatever. One click to the right, where it gets constant power. But, it's only how at the switch, a few inches down the wire, it isn't hot anymore. What's with that? I haven't touched the wire by the coil, but I don't like that wire being hot at the switch.... It's not unbearable, but it's uncomfortable. Any ideas? It's run from the switch, to the relay and spliced off to the coil, like stock.
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