Moderators: FORDification, Thunderfoot
The household wire does not have the high temp, grease and oil resistant insulation. Cable (two or more wires in a common jacket) which is the wire type from my field is SEEOW (Styrene Butadiene rubber extreme Environment Oil (oil grease gas) resistant Water proof). Automotive uses GPT GXL SXL TWP TXL HDT type wireHeavenlyfire wrote:I have access to a lot of wire from work. It is all in 4 foot lengths but here is my question. Is house hold wiring the same as automotive? Basically, we have to cut 4 feet off of our cords for our power strips and they just toss the leftover. If it is the same wire I could use it to rewire some of my truck and then just label them with the right color codes for future referance. It is the same size wire as you would get in a good heavy duty extension cord. HELP![]()